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Banu Balaji

Occupational Therapist

Banu is the founder and CEO of Therapix. She is a Clinical Specialist  Occupational Therapist with over two decades of experience in the Health Service Executive, Ireland, specializing in working with children and families within the realm of child and adolescent mental health. Armed with a Bachelor's degree in Occupational Therapy and a Master's in Psychosocial Rehabilitation, she has expertise through diverse roles in both adult mental health and child and adolescent mental health settings, spanning community outreach to inpatient care.


​Her passion is in coaching parents, caregivers, and teachers to be the support system in a neuro affirming and strengths based approach so that the child can thrive. Banu also has  profound interest in developmental trauma and attachment, recognising the crucial role these factors play in shaping individuals' lives.  She operate in a private capacity, collaborating with TUSLA to support children in care. She also provide home and school consultations privately and provide webinars for parents and teacher groups through HSE and TUSLA.

Banu also has her own podcast Therapod podcast that breaks down information for parents, caregivers and teachers. Making  a meaningful change in children's life and reducing YLD (years lived with disability) is the main driver to develop Therapix and bring it to the market.

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